Many companies that initially think they need a management consultant ultimately decide to deploy an interim manager.
Many surveys showed that about 75% felt that interim managers offered clear advantages over management consultants.
Like consultants, interim managers provide:
- The latest thinking
- Short-term access to top management talent
- Strategic capability
- An independent eye
- The ability to fast-track a critical project
Unlike consultants, interim managers are:
- Implementers as well as being strategists, analysts and planners
- Loyal to your business objectives – not their consultancy’s objectives
- Flexible to do what you need – not restricted to doing things the way their consultancy prescribes
- Focused on your profitability – not their consultancy’s profitability. They are not incentivised to sell in additional services you don’t need
- Are strategists as well as hands-on – they are on your team to deliver your strategy
- More cost-effective
To see whether your requirement is best matched to an interim manager or a consultant, take our free consultation.